Real Property Management Vesta

Want a Stylish Home Décor? Upcycle These 6 Old Items

Upcycling is one of the new buzzwords among do-it-yourselfers. Although not really a new concept, this trend has returned during this age of environmental consciousness. Upcycling means taking old items and finding a new way to re-use them. These unique, original items can brighten up your East Macon rental home. Here are some easy upcycling projects for you to try.

Vinyl Record Cake Stand

Go retro with a vinyl record cake stand that can serve as a unique serving piece. Take an old vinyl record and glue a martini or other stemmed glass on the center to make this kitchen classic. Let the glue dry before turning it over and loading it up with a pretty cake.

Wine Cork Décor

Put those old wine corks to good use. Glue wine corks together to make a rustic frame for a photo or mirror. Or, use wine corks to make a coaster or wall hanging in the shape of your favorite state.

Game Piece Coasters

Don’t throw away those broken game boards and Scrabble tiles yet! They can still serve as coasters! Glue game pieces or game boards onto corkboard or wood squares. Use scrabble tiles to personalize it further by spelling out names or words.

Jewelry Magnets

Got broken jewelry collecting dust on the dresser? Turn them into magnets! Single earrings, beads, gems, broaches, and more look pretty as magnets. It’s as easy as gluing them together!

Tin Can Holders

Accessorize empty cans into useful home décor. Washed cans can be painted, covered in cloth or paper, and then decorated with ribbon, string, glitter, or other materials for a pretty pencil holder, utensil holder, or vase. You can also create an herb garden on your windowsill using tin cans. Make a planter out of cans glued or tied together and filled with potting soil.

Bookshelves for Book Lovers

If you are a book lover, you can display or re-use old books as home decor as well. It’s easy to turn books into floating bookshelves. Just grab a hardcover book and an L-shaped bracket, then go ahead and set off to make this interesting display.

With just a little time and creativity, you can upcycle many of the used or old items in your house. Give your old stuff new life and go green when you fill your home with these upcycled décor items.

If you’re on the search for a new place to call home, check out our available rentals or contact us today.